Thursday, June 11, 2015

Types of Networks

1)    Local Area Network (LAN): Systems connected within the same geographical area is called LAN. A LAN can span 2 kilometers.

Components of LAN:

1.    .NIC (Network Interface Card)
2.    Cable – Co axial, cat5 or cat6
3.    Hubs or Switches.

2)    Metropolitan Area Networking: MAN is a combination of LANs or WANS located and connected within the same city.

Components of MAN:

1. Router
2. Brouter (Brouter is a combination of bridge or router)
3. ATM Switches
4. DSL connectivity (DSL – Digital Subscriber Link) ex: Star cables
     3) Wide Area Networking (WAN): Interconnection of LANs or MANs located within the same geographical area or different area it depends on telecommunication services.

Components of WAN: Same as MAN:

Fiber Optic cable....

A technology that uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibers) to transmit data. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves.
A fiber optic cable is a network cable that contains strands of glass fibers inside an insulated casing.